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Jul 05, 2023

A group of beautiful women in swimwear

In this day and age, women, and men, have never been so empowered to freely showcase and flaunt their bodies whatever shape, color, size they come in. However, even though long gone are the dated and restricted views of what construes beauty, a healthy, fit body with smooth, supple skin will never go out of fashion. Now the summer season is in full swing, here are the 6 non-surgical ways to your best summer body and skin with no working out needed.

Despite being a very common, harmless skin condition that causes lumpy, dimpled flesh on the thighs, hips, buttocks and abdomen, cellulite is the No.1 area of concern for many women (and men) when bathing suit season begins. Caused by a buildup of fat underneath the skin, the amount of cellulite you have and how noticeable it is can be based on your genes, body fat percentage, and age. And as such, some women are more predisposed to it than others — even if they are naturally slim.

Endosphères Therapy is an FDA registered treatment that utilizes Compression Microvibration for body and face, treating issues at their root cause. Essentially, Endosphères produces a vibration and pressure combination that is described as "vascular gymnastics" on the body and this "workout" generates the drainage of fluids, improves local blood circulation, and thus in turn reduces cellulite and improves muscle tone. The treatment also has the added benefit of reducing muscle pain.

Endosphères Therapy treatment is non-invasive and the technology is entirely based on clever and targeted massaging of the muscle tissues and flushing out of trapped toxins thanks to its powerful drainage effects. The treatment is not painful, but patients may experience some pulling sensation or applied pressure as the Compression Microvibration works its magic. There is no downtime for the treatment and clinics near you can be found here.

Endosphères anti-cellulite therapy

We’ve all been there. Despite eating well and exercising regularly, that extra bit of wobbly flesh just won't part ways with us. Dr Sophie Shotter, renowned medical aesthetic doctor and founder of Illuminate Skin Clinic, recommends CoolSculpting: "This gold standard treatment freezes stubborn pockets of fat to sculpt your silhouette, and can be used on many different areas — the stomach, flanks, bra fat, inner and outer thighs, arms, knees and even chin areas are commonly treated." During the treatment, the fat is frozen to 12 degrees Fahrenheit (or -11 celsius), permanently killing around 25% of the fat cells in that area.

You may have already read about Dr Shotter's non-surgical facelift remedy, Profound Radio Frequency Micro-needling treatment, but the technology can also be used on the body to achieve excellent cellulite-reducing outcome. "We use a slightly deeper needle depth to target the fatty layers of tissue." Dr Shotter says of the difference in techniques: "The Radio Frequency Micro-needling breaks down the fibrous septae of the cellulitic areas, improving their appearance markedly."

Dr Shotter further recommends two other treatments, Body Ballancer and Venus Legacy. Venus Legacy is the multipolar radiofrequency device that is entirely non-invasive, and feels a little like a hot stone massage. It can be used to reduce fat pockets and cellulite. "Body Ballancer — this feels like you’re putting on a large pair of trousers which are not very flattering. But you lie back, and are then gently massaged by the trousers which help to drain fluid from the body. The result is not just an improvement in cellulite, but often an improvement in energy, immunity and sleep." Both Body Ballancer and Venus Legacy treatments are available at Illuminate Skin Clinic.

Doctor Grant Stevens holds the instrument used in Coolsculpting at THE INSTITUTE at Marina Plastic ... [+] Surgery in Marina Del Rey

For those with any skin condition issues on the body such as acne, pigmented and vascular lesions, or even just wanted leg veins and tattoos, Stellar M22™ is another genius invention by Lumenis known for its powerful modular multi-application platform. The technology enables you to safely and effectively treat different indications in different skin types, age, and gender, without the need for disposables.

Skin laxity is often talked about in relation to the facial area, but we also lose the suppleness of our skin on our bodies as we age, or when we lose a large amount of weight in a short period of time. The Radio Frequency system of Lumenis NuEra® Tight delivers fast, effective, and safe skin tightening treatments for body and face. The technology can be used to target loose skin on the abdomen buttocks, thighs, upper arms to improve the appearance of skin laxity and cellulite with no downtime. The advanced radio frequency system delivers powerful waves at 470kHz with high 250W power, heating the skin's superficial layers or targeting deep tissue based on individual patient's conditions.

"NuEra Tight is a personalized and intelligent-controlled painless heat-based treatment that feels like a hot stone massage and works from head to toe." Natali Kelly, founder of London-based Natali Kelly Clinic and aesthetic practitioner/skin expert, says of the treatment offered at her clinic: "It's a non-invasive, FDA cleared radio frequency solution, that treats wrinkles, skin tightening, cellulite and fat reduction. It works amazingly on any skin type from light to dark, tackling skin laxity, cellulite smoothing, jaw and neck sculpting by creating new collagen formation which can result in younger looking, tighter skin."

Kelly adds that the treatment takes about 10-15 minutes for a facial and 20-25 minutes for body areas and sessions are only required once a week for 1 month, with some patients notice an improvement after just one session.

The doctor does the Rf lifting procedure on the legs, buttocks and hips

As a combined solution also targeting stubborn cellulite, Eudelo's CelluBust treatment with its triple action and homecare regime can significantly reduce the appearance of dimply skin and in turn make a huge difference to your body confidence this summer.

The treatment, tailored-made and offered at Eudelo, the award-winning skin clinic led by top dermatologist Dr Stefanie Williams, is a comprehensive 12-week course that involves various treatments and techniques such as carboxytherapy (where a medical grade CO2 gas is infused into the fat tissue to shrink fatty deposits), painless shockwave treatment using acoustic waves to aid lymphatic drainage, injection of special anti-cellulite mesotherapy solution, and cryostimulation (a non-invasive stimulation of the skin with extreme cold to improve oxygen and nutrient supply to the skin and boost lymphatic drainage). The in-clinic treatment typically lasts 12 weeks with home-care provided to maximize desired results.

For certain body areas like the décolletage, Eudelo also recommends ultrasound skin tightening treatment such as the Gold-Standard UltherapyⓇ, where therapist will direct high powered, micro-focused ultrasound (MFU), or high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) into the dermis, in order to stimulate collagen and elastin production for the perfectly lifted, smooth and supple skin.

Young woman getting cryolipolyse treatment in cosmetic cabinet.

Last but not least, hair removal is an essential step to get your summer-ready body. SmoothSkin Pure IPL is an FDA cleared, safe, fast and clinically proven tool to deliver permanent hair reduction for both body and face, with visible results in just four weeks. IPL stands for Intense Pulsed Light and IPL hair removal is designed to help break the cycle of hair growth by targeting the hair root or follicle. The unique Smart Skin Sensor automatically detects and delivers the highest power suited to the user's specific skin tone, and with 10 adjustable intensity levels and 3 comfort modes that offer the most powerful and personalized treatment for quick and long-lasting hair reduction.

For those preferring a more gradual, less costly route, there are various cosmetic and body care products that can help you achieve great results. St. Moriz's new self-tanning serum, Miracle Tanning Serum, gives you a streak-free tan that's packed with collagen boosting ingredients, proven to reduce the effects of aging skin and reduce skin imperfections. Daily use visibly is clinically proven to reduce stretch marks and unwanted lines/dimpling. Pacific Shaving Co.'s Caffeinated Shaving Cream promises baby-soft post-shaving skin without the hefty price tags of laser or IPL treatment. +Lux Unfiltered No. 32 Hydrating Self-Tanning Cream is a hydrating, gradual self-tanning cream that will give you a natural-looking glow and color. Infused with shea butter, cocoa butter, and passion fruit oil, this gradual self-tanner will leave your skin dewy and bronzy with a light Rosewood scent to make your application process even more luxurious.

Solving Skin Condition Issues: Lumenis Stellar M22™ Tightening And Lifting: Lumenis NuEra® Tight The Combined Solution: The Eudelo Cellubust Hair Removal: SmoothSkin Pure